Sunday, May 10, 2015

You might be an introvert if...

"You might be an Introvert If…
•You see a solitary confinement cell on a prison documentary and think that some people have all the luck.
•When bad weather hits your city and leaves you housebound, your routine doesn’t change that much.
•You wish there were a patron saint of getting voicemail when you call people.
•You have ever snuck into your house the back way because your neighbors were doing something festive in their front yard and you were afraid they’d invite you if they saw you.
•You get put on bedrest and it takes everyone a few days to notice that anything is different. (This actually happened to me. Although I guess that could be laziness more than introversion.)"
               Jen Fulwiler (an introvert who has six children, blogs her life and seems to have no qualms about appearing on national TV-- which in my book falls under the "You might be an Extrovert If" category...)

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