Sunday, May 31, 2015

The first Sunday special: Simon and Stott

Kim Lawton: "(Paul) Simon says he’s fine with not knowing the answers, but he has sought input on his questions. He has spoken with the Dalai Lama, and he once spent hours talking with British evangelical theologian John Stott, who died last year."

"I talked about everything that was on my mind about things that seemed illogical, and he talked about why he had come to his conclusions and I think both of us enjoyed the conversation immensely. And I left there feeling that I had a greater understanding of where belief comes from when it doesn’t have an agenda." Paul Simon

Friday, May 29, 2015

"One small step for man..."

I wonder if Neil Armstrong's wife ever said that to him.

Crushed milk carton

Trash can

Distance between carton and can

Foot pedal on the trash can

Next up: the distance between my dirty plate and the dishwasher. What keeps me from spending two more seconds to put it into the dishwasher???

Thursday, May 28, 2015

What people remember

People will forget what you said,
       people will forget what you did,
              but people will never forget how you made them feel."
                        Maya Angelou

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Sad fact

In Vietnam, a whooping 16 million people  live on less than $1.25 a day.  That is an awful lot of boys and girls and mothers and fathers.   
 And that's just one country.  
That puts a Starbucks latte in a different perspective, doesn't it?

Monday, May 18, 2015

The Serenity Prayer redux

...and chocolate to know the difference. (Photo courtesy of FM Mackay)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Definition of chergui

Chergui: a hot dry wind from the Sahara which turns a normally mild oceanfront city into a desert. 
  Also, the annual reminder that I have yet to master temperatures in Celsius.  37 didn't sound bad until I realized that is 98 Fahrenheit. And the 42 degrees Celsius a little further inland? A whopping 107. 

Why Oscar Wilde would have loved the Internet age

"It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information."
Oscar Wilde

Though it is not entirely useless to learn of Inge Lehmann, the female seisologist who discovered the center of the earth.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

You might be an introvert if...

"You might be an Introvert If…
•You see a solitary confinement cell on a prison documentary and think that some people have all the luck.
•When bad weather hits your city and leaves you housebound, your routine doesn’t change that much.
•You wish there were a patron saint of getting voicemail when you call people.
•You have ever snuck into your house the back way because your neighbors were doing something festive in their front yard and you were afraid they’d invite you if they saw you.
•You get put on bedrest and it takes everyone a few days to notice that anything is different. (This actually happened to me. Although I guess that could be laziness more than introversion.)"
               Jen Fulwiler (an introvert who has six children, blogs her life and seems to have no qualms about appearing on national TV-- which in my book falls under the "You might be an Extrovert If" category...)

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Beware the fate of a writer's spouse

Your obituary will show a picture of your spouse, not you. And it will talk about their achievements.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

One of my love languages

After two weeks of listening to the  pounding and jackhammering of concrete being broken up into tiny pieces, less than 20 feet from my study, I have decided that one of my love languages is silence... ...until someone comes up with a jackhammer that sounds like a Mozart minuet.